16 Aug 2017
Airports and Asian Airlines win the podium again after being reviewed as the best in the world

Airlines and airports are very often under people’s eye in order to evaluate whether their infrastructure, efficiency and services meet passengers’ expectations. The evaluation of which meets their needs better is something very common and like in every other sector, it is necessary for airports to renew themselves and innovate to offer their best to every traveller.
Skytrax, a website that audits and compares the quality of the different airports and airlines around the world, recently launched a ranking based on the opinion of more than 19 million travellers in order to establish which long-flight airlines position at the top of the podium worldwide.
As the Spanish diary Expansión explains in this article, Asian airlines lead the list, where Qatar Airways win the Gold in Skytrax’ ranking, followed by Singapore airlines and ANA ALL Nippon airways respectively.
The amount of Asian airlines in this ranking is indisputable. Among the first 10 airlines only one European airline has managed to be among the top 10: Lufthansa, the german airline ranked in the 7th position. Regarding Spanish airlines, Iberia is the first airline in the ranking occupying the 42nd position out of the 100 best airlines.
But not only airlines are exposed to rankings, airports are also evaluated and so far in 2017, we see a pattern repeat: the Singapore Changi International Airport is considered five years in a row as the best airport in the world according to the ranking by Skytrax. Both for its architecture as for the availability of shops and services it offers, its facilities have stolen many hearts.
The airport believes strongly in the idea of constantly innovating and improving, the reason for which they now have embarked on a new project, as this article in the Expansión newspaper. The construction of “Jewel”, a project worth 1.518 million euros consist in the building of a glass and steel dome that will enable to place the proximity train inside Terminal 1. Inside the dome a magical space will be created with several bridges for passengers to cross next to a 40 metre-high waterfall , a garden 5 stories high and the recreation of a forest or jungle among many others elements.
With this ambitious project Changi will then become a very strong rival for the rest of airports planning on becoming number one in the ranking, positioning as the best airline or airport in the world. To sum up, hard work on a day-to-day basis, innovation and renewing yourself is definitely a key factor for success.
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